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Find out how to unlock EU funding for your business

Download our free, step-by-step guide to discover how to secure EU grants for your next ERP, MES, or technology investment.

Discover all this and more:

Up to 50% co-funding
Learn how to secure grants covering up to 50% of the cost of your ERP, MES, and other technology investments.

Step-by-step instructions
Navigate the EU grant application process with ease using our detailed, step-by-step guide. 

Expert tips and insights
Leverage practical advice and expert tips to increase your chances of getting approved.

Save time and money
Streamline your application process and avoid common pitfalls with our comprehensive guide.

What’s inside the guide?


An overview of EU funding programs like Horizon Europe, the Digital Europe Programme (DEP) and the European Regional Development Fund (ERDF).


Detailed eligibility criterea and how to ensure your project aligns with EU goals. 


Tips on building a strong project proposal and forming consortia for collaborative grants.


Advice on consulting with National Contact Points (NCP) and experts to strengthen your application. 

Ready to transform your business

Download the guide to start your journey towards securing EU funding for your packaging business.